
Hardbound Support - 5E Starter Set (LMOP)

Created by Arcknight

This product is live and shipping immediately from ArcKnight’s Webstore

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Custom Miniatures! And the Arcknight Discord Server
about 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 12:35:03 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Stretch Goal! *Horse Bases* prototypes, a quick rundown of the Overgrown Village, and a survey!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 09:19:27 AM

We've got something nifty to show you! Here's a quick rundown of the Overgrown Village 6-page map mockup.

The lighting was perfect, so we went ahead and shot this footage outside our warehouse in a parking lot. You'll notice a little bit of wind at times, haha.

And we've reached STRETCH GOAL #1, which is all about Horse Bases. So we went ahead and showed off some Horse Bases prototypes in the video, and we've got a quick survey for all of you as well:

 Survey Monkey about HORSE BASES! 

1> We'd like to know which of the horse bases you like the best, and 2> We'd like to start figuring out which online survey service is going to work for us. So here's an attempt using SurveyMonkey's free version. Please fill out the survey with all your favorites, be it Horse Head Horse Base or Bear Body Round Horse Head Base Horse, or whichever.

Onwards to Stretch Goal 2!

As a reminder, if you'd like to see this project do well, and have us reach our stretch goals, please share the project with your friends!

There's a little section near the bottom of the KS page that says 'spread the word', and when you click the FB button and the Twitter button, it takes you to a pre-existing FB / Twitter post by us with the project's basics. All you need to do is share these posts. We've done our best to make it SO EASY to share, but we still need your help getting it out there.


Initial Case Design!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 08:48:22 AM

Hello everyone, here's our initial mockup of a custom case design. We wanted to create something that was a parallel and indicative of the LMOP cover, with similar color pallet, but showcasing art from this project.

Of course it's only a concept at this point, and things may change, but overall I think it nails the look were going for. Some of these specific pieces might be swapped out, or updated.

One of our additional thoughts was, 'Do we want to add some sort of Iconography to the outside spine of the case, such that in the future if you had 3-4 different Hardbound Support sets, you could easily tell which is which? Not simply from the color pallet.'

At the same time, there's no defined icons in this campaign, so we mocked up a chisel and mountaintop as a sample icon. This woud thematically relate to the Mining Town / Lost Mine theme.

Let us know your thoughts, and have a great weekend!

Also, we're right on the edge of funding, so I'll go ahead and say YAYYYYYYY!

Thank you all so much, and we cant wait to share some of our new goodies and teasers with you Monday morning (or sooner if I cant sleep) =D

FUNDED! - Future Teasers, and a DRAGON!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 07:00:07 AM

We're funded! Hurrahhh! All of you fine peoples make everything we do possible, and we'll do our best to make you all proud with many tabletop goodies! I have a boatload of updates and notes planned, and we may have another update later today, but first I wanted to say a few things;

We are a TINY team, it's basically 2 of us, plus we've got a few support people now so I don't have to check 'as many' emails, and the site is somewhat automated. Generally, we're focused 100% on 'the next thing we can complete' and we roll that way day to day. I need to actively remind myself to UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE, even if nothing new is 'done' I know you folks love hearing whats being worked on. I will do my best, and when I forget/lapse, I trust you all will poke me for news.

In-Depth Look at Components

In the next few days, we'll be going much more in-depth on various map packs, and components. We want you to see first-hand what we're making, why were making it, and the way we make it. Specifically, the Overgrown Village and Echoing Caves are huge maps, and I'm really proud of what we pulled off.

We'll also have a number of looming/floating questions, that we'd like to ask backers in some sort of survey or poll. This gives backers a chance to adjust what we're prioritizing, and gauge interest in additional Stretch Goals or Add-ons as they come up.

Future Teasers!

A number of the items in this campaign were tossed in specifically as a parallel to future projects. Sort of to 'tease them', and also to get some of the development for those future projects out of the way, so we have more to show off when we eventually launch them. I'm going to list them briefly, but we'll be going in-depth with each of these as the campaign unfolds:

Die-Cut Object Sheets - The Ambush Cart is a prototype of a new wave of pre-cut, top-down transparent object / doodads.

Subscription Minis - The Add-On character strips are a prototype for a consistent 'panel' of 10 miniatures, which would allow us to consider a 'subscription' to deliver Minis strips. If subscribers pre-purchase bases, the minis themselves could ship in letter envelopes, and be incredibly cheap to produce + ship.

3D Miniatures - Our Young Dragon 3d STL is a concept/prototype for an upcoming venture into artisan sets of specific 3d miniatures, hitting some of the quintessential fantasy tropes with highly detailed miniatures.

And of course, we're always itching to do another 'Flat Plastic Miniatures' or 'Maps' campaign.

DRAGON?!? What dragon?!?

I suppose this is as good a time as any, to show off a little something we've been dabbling with. The details aren't all finished, but that's the fun of kickstarter, right?

So, some time ago, I had an idea for a set of Artisan 3d miniatures. Without going into too many details (I'll save that for a proper pitch someday), we began work on a 'Young Green Dragon' miniature. We knew a lot of people were playing the 5E Starter set, and of course it's no coincidence they would put a dragon into a starting adventure since it's part of their legacy and namesake. What could be more quintessential.

We were also gearing up the Hardbound Support kickstarter, that would need a large Flat Plastic Miniature to represent the same Young Green Dragon. So, with incredible excitement, we followed the natural workflow, and made art, then 3d sculpted off that art.

The Flat Plastic Miniature dragon is included in the Hardbound Support set, and we'd be happy to release the .STL files for this dragon in advance, in case any of you have a 3d printer, and would like to print one yourselves.

This also opens the door to 2 tie-ins.

1> ASIDE from the eventual 3d miniatures project that will come in the future, we're in talks with a 3d printing house to see if we can get singles of this dragon made available, in case any of you guys want one for THIS project - we'll see how affordable it ends up being, and their dropshipping options right to your door, etc.

2> PAINTING CONTEST! If any of you want to print this bad boy, and end up painting it, we'd be estatic to see the results. In fact, we'll put our money where our mouth is if we can get good photos of our 3d mini, because obviously that's going to look incredible. What better way than a painting contest with a cash prize? If this interests anyone, PLEASE speak up, we'd like to hear your nuts and bolts requests for terms before we develop the idea, and make a pitch / prize.

Talk to you all more soon!

A Birthday Message from ArcknightGirl! (She just turned 6)
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 12:55:06 PM

Happy 6th Birthday ArcknightGirl!

And she has a birthday request.

Consider it DONE!